Resources for JavaScript and DOM Compatibility Tab

10 anos atrás
One of the best info-apps to come about in recent years is the well-known and super-practical Can I Use byAlexis Deveria. Although Can I Use is great for many cutting-edge features, there’s still a lot of JavaScript and DOM stuff that’s not included in there. So what other options are there ...


10 anos atrás
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. GIT

Here Are 10 jQuery Snippets Every Designer Should

10 anos atrás
1.Back to top button // Back To Top $(‘’).click(function(){ $(document.body).animate({scrollTop : 0},800); return false; }); //Create an anchor tag Back to top -There’s no need to use a plugin to create a simple scroll to top animation in jQuery. By simply changing the scrollTop value ...

5 maneiras de fazer chamadas do Ajax com jQuery

11 anos atrás
Há pelo menos cinco maneiras de fazer chamadas AJAX com a biblioteca jQuery. Para iniciantes, no entanto, as diferenças entre cada um podem ser um pouco confusas. Neste tutorial, vamos alinhá-los e fazer uma comparação. Além disso. Nós analisaremos como inspecionar essas chamadas AJAX com o ...

jQuery: What’s the difference between height, inne

12 anos atrás
I was surprised to find there is no simple online comparison giving an overview of the difference between JQuery’s height, innerHeight and outerHeight. It’s really quite simple and is down to whether the calculation factors in padding, border and margin. Here’s the summary: Padding Border ...