Using DNS-O-Matic dynamic DNS updates with Cloudfl

7 anos atrás
DNS-O-Matic is a service from OpenDNS for distributing dynamic DNS updates to supported authoritative DNS services. Cloudflare is one of the supported services. Using DNS-O-Matic allows you to pick and choose what dynamic DNS services you want to notify, all from one easy-to-use interface. ...

Benefiting from HTTP2 Server Push and other HTTP 2

7 anos atrás
Author: Mohamed Elbahja Posted on: 2017-10-25 Package: HTTP2 Server Push PHP Class HTTP 2 is the newer HTTP protocol version that provides several types of advantages in terms of performance. Read this article to learn how to take advantage of the HTTP2 Server Push feature to improve the ...

Understanding Objects in JavaScript

7 anos atrás
Introduction An object in JavaScript is a data type that is composed of a collection of names or keys and values, represented in name:value pairs. The name:value pairs can consist of properties that may contain any data type — including strings, numbers, and Booleans — as well as methods, ...

Example .htaccess Code Snippets

8 anos atrás
Here are some specific examples taken from the Htaccess Guide. Redirect Everyone Except IP address to alternate page [crayon-6712133692a29857316964/] When developing sites This lets google crawl the page, lets me access without a password, and lets my client access the page WITH a password. ...

How to Code HTML Email Newsletters

10 anos atrás
This article was first published in 2006, then re-edited in 2011 — and now it’s been re-re-edited in 2015. HTML email newsletters have come a long way since this article was first published back in 2006. HTML email is still a very successful communications medium for both publishers and ...

Infographic: The Client’s Guide to Creating a Webs

10 anos atrás
Today, a website is the first place potential customers and partners come to when they want to know more about your business. It’s your primary interface with the online world and perhaps your best salesman. Just like with any other business asset, you need to do the due-diligence and make ...

Moving to HTTPS on WordPress

10 anos atrás
I just recently took CSS-Tricks “HTTPS everywhere”. That is, every URL on this site enforces the HTTPS (SSL) protocol. Non-secure HTTP requests get redirected to HTTPS. Here’s some notes on that journey. Why do it? General security. When you enforce HTTPS, you’re ...

10 Tips to Adapt PHP Web Sites for Mobile Devices

10 anos atrás
The trend of users accessing the Web more and more from mobile devices than from desktop computers is not new. However, the effort that is often necessary to adapt sites to appear well in mobile devices discouraged many Web developers to invest in making that effort. Meanwhile, the recent ...

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Business Website Hosti

10 anos atrás
We all learn from our own mistakes in one way or the other. However, don’t you think it’s better to learn from others’ mistakes than doing it ourselves and then repent of them? If it’s about hosting your commercial website, you can’t afford making a single mistake.  An hour of downtime can ...

Thinking of interfaces as sets of jobs

10 anos atrás
This article was originally posted to in November 2011. What is at the core of an interface design? I think of the design not as a collection of screens or buttons or pixels, but as a collection of jobs that the user wants to do. In this article I want to give you a feeling ...

Resources for JavaScript and DOM Compatibility Tab

10 anos atrás
One of the best info-apps to come about in recent years is the well-known and super-practical Can I Use byAlexis Deveria. Although Can I Use is great for many cutting-edge features, there’s still a lot of JavaScript and DOM stuff that’s not included in there. So what other options are there ...

Trabalhando com JSON em PHP

10 anos atrás
Veja neste artigo como realizar a manipulação de JSON na linguagem PHP com o uso das funções “json_decode”, “json_encode” e “json_last_error”. O artigo demonstra como utilizar estas funções a partir de um conjunto de exemplos práticos. Figura 1: JSON – Javascript Object Notation 1. ...

Top 10 Professional Tips For Programmers

10 anos atrás
1. Don’t stop continuous learning: Technology is always evolving and if you want to relevant in the current market situation you need to evolve with the latest trends. Always go ahead with self-learning through media reports, articles, blogs, books, conferences and so on. Software ...

The Client’s Guide to What it Actually Takes to Cr

10 anos atrás
Web developers: Email potential or current clients to this article for help clarifying your process, and suggest improvements in the comments! When you’re looking to create a website for your business, it’s important to choose the right design and development team to do it for you. A ...

World Currency Formats and ISO 4217 Information

10 anos atrás
Currency Name ISO 4217 Code Unit Names Display Decimals Display Format Alpha Numeric Major Minor Afghanistan, Afghani AFN 971 afghani pul 2 Albania, Lek ALL 008 lek qindarka 2 Algerian Dinar DZD 012 dinar centime 2 Angola, Kwanza AOA 973 kwanza lwei 2 Argentine Peso ARS 032 peso centavo 2 ...

All Search and Social Media Meta Tags Starter Temp

10 anos atrás
I often find myself referencing back and forth to different resources, old projects, and searching in Google how to create certain social media meta tags to put in my HTML document’s head. The metadata is constantly changing, and there’s tons of different variations of each kind. So, with ...

Codecademy leads by example, unveiling a gorgeous

10 anos atrás
With each passing year, the ability to understand and write code becomes increasingly valuable. The demand for competent developers is growing and the required skill set is seeping into professions where it simply wasn’t relevant a decade ago. Codecademy has built an unparalleled reputation ...

Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site

10 anos atrás
Minimize HTTP Requests tag: content 80% of the end-user response time is spent on the front-end. Most of this time is tied up in downloading all the components in the page: images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc. Reducing the number of components in turn reduces the number of HTTP ...