Html, CSS and JavaScript tricks for mobile website

8 years ago
As of 2014 mobile users have surpassed desktop users and according to google adwords blog published on May 2015, mobile searches have increased. Here is what google said “In fact, more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and ...

How to copy a folder recursively from one host to

9 years ago
To copy a folder from a remote server to local server: [crayon-6768205b51a64967398025/] To copy a folder from local to a remote server@ [crayon-6768205b51a75010555453/] From man scp -r Recursively copy entire directories   ...

Fix scrolling performance with CSS will-change pro

9 years ago
This post is part of our Webperf Wednesday series. I recently saw Paul Lewis’ screencast demonstrating how trivial it can be to fix a particular kind of performance issue caused by scrolling. I knew the problem looked familiar and I realized it was right in my front yard, so to speak. Four ...

A Few Different Ways To Use SVG Sprites In Animati

10 years ago
There are some things we know and like about SVGs. First, SVGs have smooth, clean edges on any display, so using SVGs can reduce the number of HTTP requests for image replacement. Second, it’s easy to make an SVG scalable to its container for responsive development. In this article we’ll ...

SVG Sprites and Icon Systems Are Super

10 years ago
I received an email recently asking for assistance with an SVG icon issue. The individual explained that he was working with a lot of icons (about 300, which I would say qualifies as a “system”) as images and wondering if there was a way to change these colors with CSS after the ...

30 Extensions, Plugins and Addons for Bootstrap

10 years ago
Ahhhh, the much-loved Bootstrap. No other front-end framework has revolutionized the web design world in the way that Bootstrap has. Put simply, it has allowed us to create consistent, mobile-first, and cross-browser layouts much faster and much better than ever before. And on top of that, ...

Common Usability Mistakes You Should Avoid

10 years ago
There is much more to a website’s success than just fancy web design. In fact, when it comes to increasing conversions and enhancing the overall growth of your website, a good and visually appealing layout or web design is just one part of the equation. Usability, by all accounts, is ...

Thinking of interfaces as sets of jobs

10 years ago
This article was originally posted to in November 2011. What is at the core of an interface design? I think of the design not as a collection of screens or buttons or pixels, but as a collection of jobs that the user wants to do. In this article I want to give you a feeling ...

Resources for JavaScript and DOM Compatibility Tab

10 years ago
One of the best info-apps to come about in recent years is the well-known and super-practical Can I Use byAlexis Deveria. Although Can I Use is great for many cutting-edge features, there’s still a lot of JavaScript and DOM stuff that’s not included in there. So what other options are there ...

Converter arquivo pdf em jpg (apenas a capa) Windo

10 years ago
Baixar o arquivo Ghostscript no meu caso utilizei a versão 64bits Baixar o programa ImageMagick versão 64bits Após instalar os dois programas é necessário reiniciar a máquina. Comando ...

25 CSS3 Code Snippets for Making 3D Animated Effec

10 years ago
Web developers have been immersing themselves into CSS3-based designs. Transition animations along with CSS keyframes have opened the door to many possibilities. 3D animation was never optimal outside of Flash-based websites. However the further advancements in JavaScript along with CSS3 ...

40 CSS3 button examples with effects & animati

10 years ago
Are you looking for some CSS3 buttons, which are good enough to be used in real-world website projects? here are some CSS3 buttons you might like. Since my last post about codepen buttons, I’ve been searching sites like codepen, cssdeck and jsfiddle for some good practical buttons and I’m ...

Exemplos de Menus

10 years ago
CSS3 Menu Navigation Effect   CSS3 drop-down menus

Here Are 10 jQuery Snippets Every Designer Should

10 years ago
1.Back to top button // Back To Top $(‘’).click(function(){ $(document.body).animate({scrollTop : 0},800); return false; }); //Create an anchor tag Back to top -There’s no need to use a plugin to create a simple scroll to top animation in jQuery. By simply changing the scrollTop value ...

Top 10 Professional Tips For Programmers

10 years ago
1. Don’t stop continuous learning: Technology is always evolving and if you want to relevant in the current market situation you need to evolve with the latest trends. Always go ahead with self-learning through media reports, articles, blogs, books, conferences and so on. Software ...

How to Create a Custom Error 404 page for WordPres

10 years ago
This tutorial will teach you how to create an error 404 page for your WordPress powered site. If you already have an error 404 page you will learn how to make it a bit more user-friendly and dynamic. An error 404 is when a visitor tries to access a page that does not exist. Sometimes people ...

3 Old and Outdated UX Patterns (And How to Fix The

10 years ago
In one of my recent articles, The Evolution of the Hamburger icon we talked about the history of this commonly-used pattern, and about who’s using it and why. In fact, there have been many recent discussions in UX circles that have raised the counter-intuitive nature of the hamburger icon ...

5 Ways to Make Ajax Calls with jQuery

10 years ago
There are at least five ways to make AJAX calls with the jQuery library. For beginners, however, the differences between each can be a bit confusing. In this tutorial, we’ll line them up and make a comparison. Additionally. we’ll review how to inspect these AJAX calls with Firebug as well. ...

Best Free CSS Optimization Tools to Tune up Your S

11 years ago
CSS is an indispensable part of modern web design. If you are a blogger or simply run an eshop, you should make use of its benefits at full. Even though you are not tech-savvy or a coding specialist, it doesn’t mean you can’t optimize CSS for better performance and faster page load. ...

World Currency Formats and ISO 4217 Information

11 years ago
Currency Name ISO 4217 Code Unit Names Display Decimals Display Format Alpha Numeric Major Minor Afghanistan, Afghani AFN 971 afghani pul 2 Albania, Lek ALL 008 lek qindarka 2 Algerian Dinar DZD 012 dinar centime 2 Angola, Kwanza AOA 973 kwanza lwei 2 Argentine Peso ARS 032 peso centavo 2 ...