
Socket backlog tuning for apache

6 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. With more clients moving to the mobile world web traffic changes somewhat and new challenges rise. One ...

Setup Nginx as web server and as reverse proxy for

7 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. We know that Nginx is more faster than Apache and most of us prefer to replace Apache with Nginx as ...

Unzip Multiple Files from Linux Command Line

7 years ago
Here’s a quick tip that will help you work with multiple zip files on the command line. If you are in a folder and have three zip files in it (,, that you want to unzip, “no problem,” you think. “I can take care of that with one command.” And you quickly run the following: ...

How To: Solve PHP-FPM server reached max_children

8 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. There are many possible reasons why your PHP-FPM would reach the max_children. Most common ones are: A ...

Example .htaccess Code Snippets

8 years ago
Here are some specific examples taken from the Htaccess Guide. Redirect Everyone Except IP address to alternate page [crayon-6766c0ae02fa0301296699/] When developing sites This lets google crawl the page, lets me access without a password, and lets my client access the page WITH a password. ...

VirtualMin WordPress Nginx Permalinks

8 years ago
VirtualMin WordPress Nginx Permalinks If you want to use Virtualmin with nginx, there are two nice tutorials (Using Nginx with Virtualmin and Virtualmin with NGINX+PHP-FPM+OPCACHE). To get the WordPress permalinks to work, do the following: Go to Virtualmin > Services > Configure ...

MySQL 5.7 Performance Tuning Immediately After Ins

8 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. This blog updates Stephane Combaudon’s blog on MySQL performance tuning, and covers MySQL 5.7 ...

How to copy a folder recursively from one host to

9 years ago
To copy a folder from a remote server to local server: [crayon-6766c0ae0535a063630594/] To copy a folder from local to a remote server@ [crayon-6766c0ae05361648598929/] From man scp -r Recursively copy entire directories   ...

9 Tips for Improving WordPress Performance

9 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. WordPress is the single largest platform for website creation and web application delivery worldwide. ...

Creating NGINX Rewrite Rules

9 years ago
In this blog post, we discuss how to create NGINX rewrite rules (the same methods work for both NGINX Plus and the open source NGINX software). Rewrite rules change part or all of the URL in a client request, usually for one of two purposes: To inform clients that the resource they’re ...

How To Install and Configure DKIM with Postfix on

9 years ago
Introduction The frustration of getting falsely flagged as a spammer is not strange to most of the mail server admins. By excluding the possibility of a compromised server, a false flag is usually caused by one of the following: the server is an open mail relay the sender’s or ...

Compressing files under Linux or UNIX cheat sheet

10 years ago
Both Linux and UNIX include various commands for Compressing and decompresses (read as expand compressed file). To compress files you can use gzip, bzip2 and zip commands. To expand compressed file (decompresses) you can use and gzip -d, bunzip2 (bzip2 -d), unzip commands. Compressing files ...

How TCP backlog works in Linux

10 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. When an application puts a socket into LISTEN state using the listen syscall, it needs to specify a ...

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Business Website Hosti

10 years ago
We all learn from our own mistakes in one way or the other. However, don’t you think it’s better to learn from others’ mistakes than doing it ourselves and then repent of them? If it’s about hosting your commercial website, you can’t afford making a single mistake.  An hour of downtime can ...

Important Shortcuts For Linux Beginners

10 years ago
Ctrl + Alt + F1 You would already know that Linux can support various terminals. This command helps you move to the first terminal from wherever you are. Ctrl + Alt + Fn (n=1..6) In the standard setup, Linux can support a total of 6 terminals. This command lets you move to the terminal of ...

Top 15 Examples of Practical Grep Commands In Linu

10 years ago
Here we present on-going 15 Examples series, where 15 detailed examples will be offered for a particular command or functionality. The current article describes 15 practical examples of Linux grep command that will be useful to both newbies as well as experts. explores how you ...

Preventing DDOS aplification open resolver attack

11 years ago
Sorry, this entry is only available in PT. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. DDOS Attack  by open DNS resolver: Open dns resolver provides name resolution to any network outside ...

Driver NVidia no Debian 7 Wheezy GNU/Linux

11 years ago
Veremos como instalar o driver de vídeo proprietário NVIDIA em sistemas Debian via repositório Wheezy, onde podemos instalar drivers mais recentes via repositórios SID ou baixando diretamente do site da NVidia. IDENTIFICAÇÃO A unidade de processamento gráfico NVIDIA (GPU) series/codinome de ...