Building an Ecommerce Web Site Using Dreamweaver with PHP

3h 53m – Beginner

In this course, author Lawrence Cramer offers two approaches to implementing ecommerce functionality in Dreamweaver: introducing basic ecommerce functions to an existing site and creating a stand-alone ecommerce solution with PHP and MySQL. The course explores choosing a payment vendor, creating a simple buy button, configuring a store with the Cartweaver extension, adding products and discounts, and managing inventory. The course also provides guidance on securing an ecommerce site, preparing for the site’s launch, and effectively promoting a store. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:
Setting up a PayPal seller’s account
Setting up a local development environment: best practices
Adding a store to an existing design
Configuring site setup, shipping, and tax
Managing orders and customers
Exploring PCI compliance
Selecting a host and setting up the database
Purchasing and installing SSL
Testing the site and troubleshooting problems
Analyzing site traffic with Google Analytics
Linking to social networks

Introduction – 2m 28s
Welcome – 1m 0s
Using the exercise files – 57s
Previewing finished projects – 31s

1. Gathering The Tools – 42s
What you need to have on hand for the simple solution – 42s

2. Setting Up a Simple Ecommerce Solution – 23m 24s
Deciding what solution is right for you – 7m 4s
Setting up to sell from a site – 6m 5s
Choosing a payment vendor – 2m 25s
Setting up a PayPal account – 3m 2s
Adding a buy button – 4m 48s

3. Setting Up a Local Development Environment – 6m 39s
Understanding the benefits of a local development environment – 3m 17s
Best practices for setting up a local development environment – 3m 22s

4. Installing PHP and MySQL – 10m 0s
Installing XAMPP and checking the install – 3m 45s
Administering the database – 6m 15s

5. Planning for Ecommerce Functionality – 10m 33s
Designing with usability and user experience in mind – 3m 0s
Designing the site with the store in mind – 4m 58s
Adding a store to an existing design – 2m 35s

6. Setting Up an Ecommerce Site in Dreamweaver – 6m 18s
Creating a new PHP site in Dreamweaver – 2m 54s
Creating and running a test page – 3m 24s

7. Installing and Setting Up the Cartweaver Ecommerce Extension – 14m 36s
Installing the Cartweaver extension in Dreamweaver – 2m 8s
Installing Cartweaver files on your site – 3m 20s
Finishing setup in the Cartweaver online admin – 5m 50s
Examining the site and code structure – 3m 18s

8. Setting Up the Store – 40m 6s
Exploring Cartweaver functionality – 4m 45s
Configuring admin settings – 5m 6s
Configuring store settings – 4m 39s
Configuring site setup – 9m 40s
Configuring a shipping system – 7m 13s
Configuring a tax system – 8m 43s

9. Setting Up Products – 32m 41s
Product administration walkthrough – 6m 28s
Organizing the store – 5m 10s
Adding product options – 5m 30s
Adding products – 7m 8s
Selling tickets, memberships, services, and other intangible goods – 4m 21s
Creating product discounts – 4m 4s

10. Managing Workflow – 10m 57s
Testing locally – 2m 36s
Managing inventory – 2m 49s
Managing orders – 3m 26s
Managing customers – 2m 6s

11. Establishing Features for Customer Satisfaction – 2m 26s
Policies and privacy statements – 2m 26s

12. Security – 21m 39s
Securing data – 3m 35s
Securing a site – 6m 54s
Understanding PCI compliance – 5m 52s
Choosing a payment gateway with security in mind – 5m 18s

13. Deploying a Site to the Server – 34m 6s
Selecting a host – 2m 35s
Preparing the host and setting up the database – 1m 58s
Uploading the database and configuring the site – 5m 51s
Testing and troubleshooting – 4m 41s
Purchasing and installing the SSL – 3m 37s
Setting up and testing the payment gateway – 7m 4s
Preparing the database to go live – 6m 32s
Soft-launching the store – 1m 48s

14. Promoting the Store – 15m 39s
Using Google Analytics – 2m 58s
Best practices for search engine optimization – 6m 51s
Creating a Google Sitemap – 4m 28s
Linking to social networks – 1m 22s

Conclusion – 1m 4s
Wrap-up – 1m 4s

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